about levatio
levatio (Latin)
Origin & history
levātus + -iō.
relief, comfort
when it comes to writing, most writers pen down to seek comfort. for reading, it is to escape reality. with a hope to combine both, the levatio mag handpicks creative content for its readers and wishes to give a home to words. your writing should describe you, a writer's will. we also offer the best piece a $5 reward, whenever we have sufficient funds. it is not much, but because we appreciate each and every entry, we want to support our artists.
we do nominate for Best of the Net
people behind levatio

daisy miller-wells
head of people
daisy miller-wells is a twenty-two-year-old filipina catastrophe based in the midwest. her notable hobbies include playing music, writing, and using ketchup in disturbing amounts. as head of people, she is thrilled to serve the levatio, its beautiful staff, and its beautiful readers.

lisa elis
magazine designer
lisa elis lives in canada and loves stories, art, and things that grow her wanderlust. she designs for tcksforchrist.com as well as levatio. though often hermitting at home, you can also find her connecting with literary communities online. her headquarters is at lisaelis.com.

fahima jama
graphic designer
fahima is a poet, educator and digital artist. she has worked with people from various backgrounds and ages in creating community literary magazines. she has a degree in english literature, specialising in creative writing, and has been involved in the literary scene for years. as the designer of leviato, she is excited to bring some gracious and captivating designs ready to compliment and fulfil each issue.

holly fleming
poetry/prose editor
holly graduated from english, journalism and creative writing course in 2020, and now works in marketing. she has been writing for as long as she can remember and enjoys reading and writing horror, comedy, and anything introspective. she is passionate about supporting and encouraging new writers, so she uses her time at levatio to help showcase new and emerging talent in poetry and prose! holly also maintains her own personal blog, which you can find at www.hol7ly.co.uk
amanda williams
poetry/prose editor
amanda williams (she/her) is a neurodivergent American writer and poet. she has a degree in creative writing from drake university. her words appear in hecate magazine, poor yorick journal, voidspace zine and the levatio, plus forthcoming issues of moss puppy, re-side zine, brave voices and elsewhere. she now lives in the UK with her husband and puppy.

moth skuller
cnf/fiction editor
moth skuller is a sixteen year old indigenous writer currently based in the southern oregon area. his poetry has been featured in filter coffee zine and he has forthcoming work in various other publications, including gutslut press and lunette review. he enjoys drinking cherry cordial and making villainous plans.

supreet dodani
poetry/prose reader
supreet dodani (she/her) is 18, creative and ambitious. she likes to use her words to express herself and her emotions. she loves reading, making and admiring art. an absolute cat person and loves the colour yellow. she is an outgoing yet introverted person and loves to explore places and capture them in the moment.

aakanksha gupta
cnf/fiction editor
aakanksha (she/her) is an editor and writer based in canada. she works in the publishing industry and hopes to edit new adult & YA books someday. she will read anything once but has a soft spot for stories about neurodiversity, cultural identity, and navigating adult life. she loves to read, sing, watch animated shows/movies, and spend an absurd amount of time on tiktok. you can read her writing here: www.aakankshagupta.com

ashish kumar singh
poetry/prose reader
ashish kumar singh (he/him) is a queer poet from India and a post graduate student of english literature. other than writing, he reads and sleeps extensively. previously he has been published in blue marble review, brave voices magazine, the mark literary review, dust and sledgehammer lit. he is also a poetry/prose reader for levatio.

deanna hu
poetry/prose reader
deanna hu is a writer and student from san diego suburbia whose poetry and prose has been recognized by the alliance for young artists & writers and small publishers. she writes for her school's literary magazine and enjoys eating (fruit!), swimming, and running away from nature.

chinwe okonkwo
cnf/fiction reader
chinwe okonkwo is originally from nnewi, nigeria, but grew up in georgia, us. she has been writing since she was 7, always loving fiction the most. she was previously published in the ice lolly review, with her poem titled "nature's void", and won her county’s “honoring our heroes" writing contest back in 2017. she has participated in writer workshops with the university of iowa, and famous poet jose olivarez. she is working towards her aspirations of becoming a screenwriter and novelist, to bring underrepresented stories to the big screen and pages.

bri shufford
cnf/fiction reader
bri shufford, above all else, is a patron of the arts. as an avid reader, lyrical writer, and creative consumer of all mediums of escapism, she has found solace in storytelling. she loves stories rich with cultural identity and heart-shattering symbolism and voice. as a bfa candidate for social strategy and creative writing, bri is a passionate participant in editorial and literary spaces. she has written and directed work published on scad manor.